Blog Post No. 50 The courtship scene from "Shakespeare Rising" on Youtube

The theater is beginning to revive after the long spell of darkness in the world in general, and the theatrical world in particular. Zoom has assumed some of the activities of live theater. And now some theaters are actually opening. I don’t know when the theaters in France will re-open and the translation of my third play, Shakespeare and the Heart’s Desire (Shakespeare et les raisons du coeur) will be promoted as live theater as well as published in a bi-lingual edition. In the meanwhile, here is a scene from the first play of my Shakespeare trilogy, Shakespeare Rising. This scene is an imagined version of how Will Shakespeare successfully courted Anne Hathaway. The cast: Matt Koenig and Jodi Dominick. Matt also directed and filmed this short video. It captures a bit of the flavor of the whole play, although this scene is only the beginning of the couple’s journey. Copyright 2013, Mary Jane Schaefer. All Rights Reserved. My email address is still: sarahredux@yahoo. com. And here is the scene: